Winemaker’s association of dolní Bojanovice
Winemaker’s association of dolní Bojanovice was founded in 2016 and brings together more than thirty members.
The association’s members include both professional winemakers and those who devote their free time to viticulture.
One of the events organized by the association every year is the large local wine exhibition which always marks the beginning of spring. Summer begins with the open cellars at the beginning of June, while at the end of summer the association traditionally co-organizes the ceremonial Mountain Tapping. In autumn, the association is active at the Dolní Bojanovice St. Wenceslas feast, where you can enjoy the best wines of the Dolní Bojanovice winemakers directly on the festive Sunday of the last weekend in September.
Winemaker’s association of dolní Bojanovice was founded in 2016 and brings together more than thirty members.
The association’s members include both professional winemakers and those who devote their free time to viticulture.
One of the events organized by the association every year is the large local wine exhibition which always marks the beginning of spring. Summer begins with the open cellars at the beginning of June, while at the end of summer the association traditionally co-organizes the ceremonial Mountain Tapping. In autumn, the association is active at the Dolní Bojanovice St. Wenceslas feast, where you can enjoy the best wines of the Dolní Bojanovice winemakers directly on the festive Sunday of the last weekend in September. During the first weekend in October, thousands of people traditionally hike through the village as part of an event organized by the Czech Tourists’ Club, the “Hike through the Slovácko Vineyards”, where local winemakers offer various local specialties in addition to wine and young “burčák” wine. Each year, the winegrowing club ends with a spontaneous Christmas Tasting of Young Wines. The biggest partner and patron of the Bojanovice Association is the local municipal office and its representatives.
Chairman of the Association
+420 723 865 157
Ing. Mgr. Jakub Čevela
1st Vice-Chairman of the Association
+420 777 564 280
Pavel Líčeník
2nd Vice-Chairman of the Association
+420 606 059 244
Vojtěch Bílík
List of association memebers:
Víno Bílík
696 17 Dolní Bojanovice
Tel. +420 606 059 244
Vinařství Antonín Blažek
Myslivecká 1073
696 17 Dolní Bojanovice
Tel. +420 775 955 255
Vinařství Čevelovic sklep
Josefovská 6
696 17 Dolní Bojanovice
Ing. Mgr. Jakub Čevela
Tel. +420 723 865 157
Vinařství Líčeník
Pod Čaganovem 1069
696 17 Dolní Bojanovice
Tel. +420 777 564 280
Mlýnská 282
696 17 Dolní Bojanovice
Tel. +420 733 566 867
Tel. +420 723 844 250
Vinař Jiří Uherek
Úvoz 311
696 17 Dolní Bojanovice
Tel. +420 736 514 206
Josefovská 6
696 17 Dolní Bojanovice